Birthday Cake Bonanza – May 2015 Edition

May office birthday cake was a simple, modest cake.   Nothing too fancy here but it still evoked a sense of fun.

Vanilla layer cake with fudgey chocolate buttercream icing.  Mini M&Ms sprinkled all over on the right side.  Left side sprinkled with chocolate confetti candy.

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Happy Birthday May Babies! =)

Baby Pink Cupcakes

I’m a little behind on posting, time seems to be flying by so quickly, I’m losing track.

Over the Easter weekend, I went over to visit some Peeps and meet their new Baby Girl.  I brought some treats for their first-born son L, who LOVES cupcakes.

Chocolate and vanilla flavoured, keeping it simple with pink buttercream in honour of the new little girl.  L picked one of the big ones first, of course, licked all the icing off first.  Kids are funny.






Nothing like a pretty sunset to end a nice day =)

V-Day Cupcakes

I’m not one to get excited over Valentine’s Day.  If you can’t show love the other 364 days of the year, then what does this day really matter?

In any case, trying to show some spirit on this day, I made some heart-shaped vanilla cupcakes with pink buttercream.





Wishing you love 365 day a year.  =)