Foodie Pen Pals Reveal – October

The Lean Green Bean

For Foodie Pens Pals – October, I was paired up with a fellow Ontarian named April and I had the pleasure of picking up some goodies to send to her. Since April does not blog herself, she was kind enough to write up a guest post for me to put up on my blog. So here it is…

October was my very first time doing foodie penpal! I was lucky enough to be paired up with Johanna!
When I received my package I was pleasantly suprised. I received it on a Monday and it totally made my day.. my week even!!! She sent me these homemade gluten free brownies! They were INCREDIBLE!!!! I shared them (nice of me eh??) with my husband, whom happens to be the biggest Chocoholic that I know… He was quite impressed!
I then wanted to save some for another friend that is gluten free but lives in Boston. I didnt want them to spoil so I tossed one in the freezer. Even AFTER being frozen and thawed they were still AMAZING!!!! I have yet to try and re create them. She was nice enough to send me the recipe! AND some of the ingredients!
OK.. enough of the brownies.. onto the other things! I ate these awesome Pocky treats! I only tried the chocolate ones so far.. and they were delish! Ive seen them in the store, but never thought to buy them!
I also received some halls and some fishermans friend. WHICH totally just came in handy this past week! Because of course, I came down with a horrible cold 😦 These are definately helping 🙂

All in all, so thankful I had an amazing first experience. Thanks Johanna! 🙂


Thank you April for sending me this post and I am happy you enjoyed the box of goodies. =)

Foodie Pen Pal Reveal – October

The Lean Green Bean

My October Foodie Pen Pal package comes to me from Ottawa courtesy of Maria at Little Miss Cornucopia

Can we say pretty?!


All the extra touches, so nice! Re-useable box with flower details.



When I had unwrapped all the items, these were the goodies I found:
1. A sparkly card with a friendly message from Maria.
2. Stash pumpkin spice tea. The tea bags smelled amazing, a good way to warm up a cold night. Stash is one my favourite tea brands!
3. Salted herbs & apple cider vinegar dressing/marinade picked up at the Gatineau hot air balloon festival. I have some spinach and veggies that I cannot wait to try this on. I think I will also marinate some chicken in this concoction too.
4. Apple butter. So perfect because I have a bread recipe that I can incorporate this apple butter with.
5. Prana organic almond, goji and cranberry trail mix. When I get snackish in the afternoon, this will be great.
6. The October issue of Best Health Magazine. I discovered some new items and tips as I perused the magazine on my commute downtown. I love a good read.


Thank you so much Maria!! =)

Foodie Pen Pal Reveal – September

The Lean Green Bean

This months foodie pen pal package comes to me from Halifax, Nova Scotia courtesy of Sarah.

Oh…the anticipation of opening a package, slowly pulling away the paper to reveal…

20120930-204919.jpg Look at all the nice handwritten notes!!
My foodie pen pal package included:

Carr’s crackers and Brie cheese – 2 favourites of mine!!

20121001-185226.jpg Mini jams picked up in Newfoundland. These berries are native to the province. I think they will work wonderfully with all the bread I will be bringing home from my classes!

20121001-185328.jpg Jelly from a farmers market down near Sarah. I think I’m going to try it with some chicken like the label said you could.

20121001-185507.jpg Chocolate flavoured honey. I am having visions of using this in between some cake layers. I never knew this product existed!

I also received a home made treat, which I finished off before I remembered to take a picture of it. Sarah made me chocolate cherry clusters – dark chocolate, dried cherries and chopped almonds. It was a perfect little pick me up snack in the afternoons. Chewy, but crunchy from the nuts and well, chocolate…need I say more? These were excellent and I have the recipe now so I can make them whenever I want!!

Thank you so much Sarah…really happy to have received these unique treats!! =)
