Happy Lobster Roll…well, maybe…

When I started my blog, I made it my intention to keep it upbeat, fun and food centered and not to use it as a forum to air grievances. I am breaking my rule once and only once. Today is the day.

My greatest pet peeve is rudeness and a lack of basic manners and courtesy. Don’t interrupt conversations, don’t push and shove on the train, say please and thanks, show some gratitude to those who show you every bit of kindness, be kind in return, hold doors open, make introductions, just be polite, don’t run people over in intersections, say sorry once in a while and mean it, don’t be on your cell phone when at dinner with one other person. Offer your seat to the elderly or a pregnant woman. I’m not perfect either, but seriously people, stop being rude dumb butts.

Now, I’m done. I’m over it. Back to food.

To ease my soul, I wandered over to St. Lawrence market. Needed to pick up some baking class ingredients (more on that later). In meandering around, what did I come across?

20121116-190906.jpg That’s right, Buster’s Sea Cove. I could not say no, had to get me a Lobster Roll.



20121116-194338.jpg Toasted buttery roll, plump lobster, tangy coleslaw and crispy chips. Drool.

For dessert, a couple of tarts. (I didn’t eat both tonight, lol)


Tomorrow is another day.