Foodie Pen Pal Reveal – October

The Lean Green Bean

My October Foodie Pen Pal package comes to me from Ottawa courtesy of Maria at Little Miss Cornucopia

Can we say pretty?!


All the extra touches, so nice! Re-useable box with flower details.



When I had unwrapped all the items, these were the goodies I found:
1. A sparkly card with a friendly message from Maria.
2. Stash pumpkin spice tea. The tea bags smelled amazing, a good way to warm up a cold night. Stash is one my favourite tea brands!
3. Salted herbs & apple cider vinegar dressing/marinade picked up at the Gatineau hot air balloon festival. I have some spinach and veggies that I cannot wait to try this on. I think I will also marinate some chicken in this concoction too.
4. Apple butter. So perfect because I have a bread recipe that I can incorporate this apple butter with.
5. Prana organic almond, goji and cranberry trail mix. When I get snackish in the afternoon, this will be great.
6. The October issue of Best Health Magazine. I discovered some new items and tips as I perused the magazine on my commute downtown. I love a good read.


Thank you so much Maria!! =)

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